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Huguenot refugees arriving in England 1685riving in Engla

Huguenot Refugees

My Bay Ancestors

Isaac De Baye

7th Great Grandfather, 1672 -n/k 

Isaac was born on 7 September 1672 in Saint Quentin, France.  His parents were Isaac De Baye and Judith Couillette.   He married Suzanne Rousselet.  I think that the couple had six children: Susanne, Daniel, Pierre, Isaac, Louis and Jean.  Susanne, Daniel and Isaac were born in Haarlem, a town in the Netherlands.  Pierre, Louis and Jean were born in Esqueheries, a village in Northern France. 


In 1685, France passed the Edict of Nantes which made it almost impossible to practice the protestant faith.  Huguenots were subject to much persecution and oppression.  Many Huguenots fled to other countries.   To find out more click here.   The illustration shows refugees fleeing France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.


Records describe the family as Protestant emigres to the Pays-Bas (low countries) who later returned to Esqheheries.  The couple must have lived in Haarlem in the Netherlands for at least three years when their first three children were born.  


It is very likely that Isaac and his family later fled to England.  In 1721, there is a record of an Isaac De Baye living in London; the record is a list of Huguenots who were supported with charitable aid through the 'Royal Bounty'.    Isaac De Baye is listed as one of the 'common people'.  He and his wife were awarded £4 and 11 shillings; this sum included funeral expenses for a child.   This 'Isaac' could well be our Isaac who would then be aged 49 - or it might be his son Isaac who would be aged 29.  

To follow the story and find out about Isaac's son, Louis, click here.  

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