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Michael Parnell

Michael Parnell (r) and his big brother

My Parnell Ancestors

The Parnells


When I started this research, I knew very little about my Grandad on my Dad’s side. And I knew nothing whatsoever about his family tree.


I knew that my Grandad, Stanley, had lived in Salford and had served at RAF Valley in Anglesey during WW2. I knew he had been a garment presser at some point and that my Dad did pressing too. I was told that after he and my Nana divorced, Stanley ran a pub with his second wife.  I must have met him as a young child but I can't remember him; he was not involved in our family life after he and my Nana split up.   

So, here is my research on the Parnell side of our family tree, focusing mostly on the direct male line.   I found out a lot of information about some people and, frustratingly, almost nothing about others.  


Our Parnell ancestors were mostly Devon men and women who then moved to the great Northern industrial cities.  Occupations included a Postmaster, 2 Shoemakers, 2 Teachers, 2 Licensees, 2 Accountants, a French Polisher, a Wiredrawer and more.  

I was surprised to find strong links to liberal politics.  I was more surprised to read government records of my 4th great uncle, ‘Samuel Parnell, the Great Briber’ who was prosecuted for bribery and corruption!    


My Parnell story starts in 1737 in rural Devon with my 5th Great Grandfather, Thomas.  To read about his life click here

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